
LUBTEC (Lubricants Technology Center)

Lubrico develops its new generation products and technologies at the independent Lubtec (Lubricants Technology Center) quality and R&D center. This center has TS EN ISO/EC 17025 accreditation. Lubtec is a technology center specialized in fluid engineering. Lubtec carries out research and development of new generation lubricants and coolants and performs, certifies and monitors the quality control of Lubrico products.

Lubtec cooperates with universities in line with R&D activities. In this regard, it is aimed to produce imported products in Türkiye, localize them and reduce dependence on imports. Lubtec also offers third party analysis services to petrochemical companies.

Lubrico and Lubtec give importance to university and research collaborations in their R&D processes and, with this approach, receive test and analysis services from Boğaziçi University R&D Center and Tübitak, and cooperate with Boğaziçi R&D Ltd. company located in Büdotek Teknopark Dudullu OSB, Boğaziçi University Technology Development Zone, and carry out joint studies in digital transformation, artificial intelligence and robotic solutions.

Lubrico Academy, which is located within our facility, carries out educational activities for our own human resources and for the new generation who will be our future in the petrochemical industry and who will take part in the intermediate workforce in the future.